Saturday 17 December 2016

Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

Dental Implants: What You Need to know
Patients who seek options for replacing their missing tooth are often presented with options such as dental implants, bridges, and removal dentures. But considering all the pros and cons associated with every procedure, dental implants can be easily labeled as the most reliable, long lasting and comfortable solution. As we have offered dental implant treatment in Pune for countless patients, we would like to present facts associated with dental implants, so as to facilitate patients to make an informed decision.
What is a dental implant?
Dental implant constitutes an artificial root of your teeth that is placed in jaws through surgical procedure and over which the crown resembling a natural teeth is screwed. As the implants are made out of highly strong material such as titanium, it provides rigid support to your artificial teeth. After the fixation of implant, it slowly starts fusing with the underlying bones and transforms into an integral part of mouth. With crowns fitted on the abutment, it delivers natural tooth like appearance with all functionalities of an original one.
Why dental implants are superior?
It is not without reasons dental implants are considered as the best method for replacing your missing tooth:
1.      Saves jawbone and structure: Yes, with a missing tooth, it is very much possible for the underlying bone to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. But with titanium rods in place of natural roots, the bone structure starts developing new tissues around the implants and thereby prevents its deterioration. Remember, without dental implants, loss of jawbones and density at the missing tooth site can never be avoided.
2.      Looks natural: There can’t be a second opinion on the fact that dental implants can be the best choice to arrive at more natural looking teeth. Moreover, with deep rooted implants, the functionality rendered by this artificial tooth is far superior to any other counterparts. It is not only about the ability to speak, chew, and bite, but implants also provide a strong psychological edge as they can never slip out of place while laughing, smiling, or eating.
3.      Lasts long: A perfectly executed dental implant procedure is expected to last for life. Perhaps this is one of the crucial parameters that swing the decision towards dental implants, as no other procedure can last more than ten years even with perfect oral hygiene and care.
4.      High success rate: To put it simple, dental implants has the highest success rate among all other procedures. Should we say more?
Isn’t it a costly procedure?
Although implants may seem to be a costly procedure, it easily gets converted into one of the cost effective solutions. Yes, with high longevity and durability, implants do not press for the necessity of refitting or remaking.

If you are looking for the best dentist in Pune to ascertain your candidature for dental implants, you can always contact us. At our dental hospital in Pune, we carry out all diagnostic checks and other evaluations such as bone density and presence of sinus which play a crucial role in decision making. With extensive hands on experience and perfect credentials, we have one of the safe pair of hands to fit dental implants for you.

Monday 5 December 2016

Protect Your Teeth From Damage

Ever left with a concern of ending up with bad teeth? Days with fear of having this nightmare true cries out loud in your ears. We have come to your rescue, visit the best dentist in Pune, Oswal Dental clinic. We promise the safe delivery of your smile.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

How Does Diabetes Affect Oral Health

It is a known fact that risk factors for diabetics in developing health issues pertaining to vision, cardio vascular systems, and kidneys are quite high. But is there any link between diabetes and oral health problems? Yes, Diabetes can lead to several oral health ailments, warns an orthodontist, Pune. Especially diabetics are at high risk zone for developing periodontal problems that involves gums and underlying jaw bones. Let us have a brief look on these factors and the methodologies to mitigate these issues.
Why diabetics are at risk?
What exactly is the reason behind diabetics being placed in the group of high risk zone for periodontal issues? Well the reasons can be easily attributed to irregular blood glucose levels which in turn considerably lower the resistance level of body towards infection and healing properties. Infact during your routine oral checkup, the chances of your dentist detecting the early symptoms of diabetes are quite high!
Relation between gum diseases and diabetes
Plaques, a sticky film that is full of thriving bacteria accumulates on the teeth surface both above and below the gum lines. As diabetes reduces body resistance, the inflammation caused by the bacteria leads to gum disease such as gingivitis. In worst cases when left untreated, it can damage the surrounding tissues and completely destruct supporting teeth, fibers, bones and gums in the adjacent areas, warns a best dentist, Pune.
What are other possible dental issues?
Apart from gums related health problems, the other oral issues that usually plague patients with diabetes are:
·         Loss of tooth due to decay: Presence of high quantum of glucose in saliva permits the buildup of plaques, which eventually leads to cavities and decay.
·         Fungal infections – Again it is the high level of glucose that is the culprit behind the onset of oral thrush, a type of fungal infection
·         Mouth ulcers
·         Dry mouth
·         Loss of ability to taste
What is the way out?
In the first place, it is very much essential to have good control of blood sugar to protect yourself not only from oral health problems but also from health conditions that can affect your heart, kidney, and eyes. Remember, good insulin control is the best way to achieve good dental care. And when it comes to protecting your oral health, following measures needs to be adopted religiously:
·         It is imperative to get right treatment for all your oral problems through routine dental checkups
·         Chart out a diet and exercise regime to improve the quality of life and thereby prevent the onset of oral problems.
·         In addition to regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, it is also necessary to have a close tab on triglycerides and cholesterol levels to achieve good gum care.
·         Adopt good oral practices such as
§  Flossing or using interdental cleaners
§  Drink plenty of water to avoid dry mouth
§  Quit smoking (if you are habituated)
§  Use fluorinated toothpaste

Discuss with your dentist and share your blood glucose levels to chart out a better preventive dental care program. If you are diabetic and would like to get your oral health evaluated, you can always schedule an appointment and visit our dental hospital, Pune.

Monday 24 October 2016

Kids Toothbrush: what’s the best toothbrush for your kids?

                                             While taking care of the oral health of your kid, it is very much essential to select a suitable toothbrush that gives an all-round efficiency. But unfortunately, toothbrushes are not given much thought it deserves and the most attractive ones are usually picked up from the stores.  To make things worse, kids always opt for the toothbrushes that have a picture of their favorite superhero or cartoon character. It is very much vital to choose the right one for your kid, considering the fact that every toothbrush has their own set of pros and cons, says a leading pediatric dentist, Pune. So how to understand what goes into the selection of a best brush for your kid? Just glance below for few smart tips that can help you make a wise choice:
·         Stamp of approval: Make sure the brush you have selected for your kid has the seal of approval from Indian Dental Association (IDA). It would definitely give you the confidence that all parts and materials of the toothbrush are absolutely safe for use and complies with the following requirements:
§  No sharp ended bristles
§  Durability of handle materials
§  Bristles would remain intact on regular and normal use.

·         Bristles: Usually children toothbrushes are available with several types of bristles, but always make it a point to select only ultra soft or soft bristled brushes for your kid. Infact any other type of brush may damage tender gum lines, enamel surface and even the tooth roots, warns one of the most sought-after dentists in Pune.

·         Grip: It is very much crucial for your child’s small hands to hold the brush properly and hence the design of toothbrush grip plays an important role towards effective manipulation. And fortunately, nowadays most of the brushes come with excellent grips with vibrant colors as an added bonus to attract your child.

·         Head size and shape: Irrespective of the age of your kid, it is very much important to choose a toothbrush that fits comfortably in their mouths. Needless to say, brushes with rounded or blunt edged head can be very much safe inside your child’s mouth.

·         Age: Yes, brushes for your kids are now available according to their ages and it is not a fancy idea of a toothbrush manufacturer to attract your attention. Based on the average size of mouth and teeth growth, every manufacturer has standardized the size of head, grip shape and bristle quality.

·         Make a combined choice: The child psychology plays an important role in the selection of an apt toothbrush. After you have narrowed down your choices based on the quality of bristles, grips, and even the size, let your kid choose the one that entices. Allowing them to choose the toothbrush as per their choice would go a long way in increasing their curiosity and efforts in maintaining good oral health.

·         Consult your pediatric dentist: Finally, it is definitely not a bad idea to consult with your pediatric dentist for a good recommendation. Based on the oral health condition of the child, your dentist would definitely prescribe the most apt one.
Apart from choosing the right brush, it is also very vital to teach your kid the right methodology of brushing and to adapt good practices while using toothbrush.
·         No toothbrush should be used for more than three months or the bristles becoming frayed, whichever happens first.
·         Although it seems to be a good idea to keep the brush covered inside a holder or a cabinet, the trapped moisture always encourages the growth of microorganism on the surface. Avoid this practice as far as possible.
·         Toothbrush should also be replaced in case your child has fever due to flu or bacterial infection.

Well, imparting knowledge to your kids on the importance of brushing is very much essential to develop good oral habits. If you are child is having trouble in brushing, make it a point to visit us at our dental hospital, Pune. With copious expertise in offering pediatric dentistry, we can do wonders for child’s oral health.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Dental implant’s success rate

The benefits offered by dental implants over other tooth loss treatment options are beyond match and hence there can’t be no second thoughts on the fact dental implants are being considered as the next best thing to a healthy and natural teeth. But being a surgical option, it is natural for patients to be apprehensive about its success rate. Relax! Dental implant surgery has a very high success rate of more than 95% and it can be definitely improved further with your support says a reputed orthodontist in Pune.
Why dental implants?
In the first place, why to opt for dental implants when other simple procedures are available? Well, it is true that your missing tooth can be replaced with dentures or bridges, the advantages offered by implants easily surpass that of its counterparts,
·         While dental implants can last for life time when properly cared, the other options such as dentures or bridges need replacement after ten years, even with utmost care.
·         No fear of tooth getting loosened or falling out while eating, talking, or laughing.
·         Easy to speak with dental implants.
·         Eat and bite everything naturally
·         Unlike bridges, this procedure does not demand grinding of adjusting teeth.
Factors deciding the success
Akin to any other surgical process, success of dental implants is mostly dependent on the following factors
·         Candidature selection on strict diagnosis process
·         Selection of proper treatment plan and implants
·         Meticulous following of post care instructions
·         Regular checkups at designated intervals
But with technology moving forward in a feverish pace, even many of the deterrent conditions that do not support dental implants can be improved upon and made successful. For instance, bones can be regenerated through grafting surgery and subsequently dental implants can be carried out.
Who is an eligible candidate?
Generally speaking, anyone who is healthy to undergo any dental surgical procedure can opt for dental implants. But success rate is impacted by the necessity of healthy gums and sufficient bone in jaw. Also, individuals with following conditions need stringent evaluation to ensure the candidacy for dental implant procedure and may also require a special treatment plan.
·         Radiation therapy in the neck and jaw area.
·         Heavy smoking habits
·         Existence of uncontrollable chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease
Role of dental professionals
Needless to say, the expertise of dental professionals in oral surgery and restorative dentistry plays a crucial role. Proper diagnosis, identification of proper treatment methodology, formulation of personalized treatment and post care plan and finally selection of implants have a definite say in achieving good success of the dental implant procedure. In short, the combined efforts and coordinated care of all dental specialists based on the implant option defines the success rate of this procedure.
Post care treatment
Every dental professional wishes his or her patient to have a pleasant and smooth recovery. Hence co-operation of the patient is always solicited in complying with all post care instructions to achieve success of this procedure. As every individual case is unique, it is always better to follow the instructions of your dentist, who has complete knowledge of your medical history and was also involved in the surgery. For a speedy and good recovery, your dentist would be offering detailed care instructions on the following arenas
·         Diet control
·         Pain management
o   Cold compress
o   Prescription of pain killers
o   Arresting of bleeding
·         Necessity and methodology of rest
·         Oral hygiene practices
o   Brushing
o   Mouth rinsing
·         General do’s and don’ts to help healing process
A best dentist in Pune cautions that all the good efforts that have gone in diagnosis and treatment procedure may go in vain if meticulous following of post care instructions are not carried out.
If you are looking out for the best clinic for dental implants in Pune or would like to know more about the procedure, feel free to schedule an appointment and we would be very much glad to be of assistance to you.

Monday 1 August 2016

Reasons behind Tooth Loss

Reasons behind tooth loss

Tooth loss during childhood is common and often presents a cute picture of innocence. But the case is not same for adults. Tooth loss results in plenty of problems ranging from health to cosmetic issues. With reduced ability to chew it can drastically reduce the choice of your food and pave way for poor nutrition. On several instances, it may also lead to impaired speech. What are the reasons that can cause tooth fall? Can they be prevented? Dentists of Oswal dental clinic, a reputed dental hospital, Pune present a clear picture of all reasons behind tooth loss.
1.      Bad dental hygiene
Good oral hygiene is a key factor to keep bacteria count in your mouth under check. When good dental hygiene is not maintained, the acids released by these bacteria deplete the enamel layer and cause cavities and tooth decays and thereby destroy the adjoining bones and tissues. As bones and tissues provide the support for your teeth, it is only a matter of time before your teeth falls.

2.      Gum problems
Most of the times, we conveniently ignore dental issues that does not cause pain. This is evident from the fact that we hardly seek professional help when we observe hard deposits just below the gums. Due to these deposits, gums start deteriorating over a period of time and may eventually lead to fall of teeth.

3.      Unfilled teeth decay
Teeth with caries extend an avoidable invitation for your teeth to fall soon. Yes without filling the cavities, the inner pulp of the teeth may lead to pus formation and cause damage to adjoining tissues. When this problem is overlooked for a long period of time, the options are limited for your dentist and trigger the necessity for tooth extraction.

4.      Fall or sports mishaps
It is quite common for the children to fall down while playing and lose a tooth. In some cases, the teeth may be superficially sound and healthy, but the roots might have got damaged. As months roll on, the infections in roots may lead to tooth loss. Similarly a trauma involving teeth may also happen while playing certain outdoor games like hockey, football, and cricket.

5.      Tooth grinding
Tooth grinding when being practiced continuously, may lead to loss of tooth. Yes, the constant pressure exerted during tooth grinding may lead to additional wear and tear of teeth and ultimately make your supporting ligaments and bones part ways with the associated tooth.

6.      Other diseases
It is not always possible to safeguard your teeth even by taking best efforts for oral hygiene. The high spanned wings of diabetes and heart ailments may severely affect your dental health and facilitate the back door entry for tooth loss.

7.      Nature can’t be tamed
On few occasions, it is never possible to avoid tooth loss due to hereditary issues. Even with the arrival and dropping of milk teeth, the permanent teeth may never erupt. The only option left with your dentist is to place an implant in the tooth line.

8.      Chain reactions
Are you aware of this fact - If a tooth falls from your mouth, there is always a chance of triggering a chain reaction that can compromise the safety of neighboring teeth? Hence, in the event of teeth loss, it would be prudent to immediately seek advice of a dental professional to safeguard adjoining teeth.

9.      Non-correction of malocclusions
Proper positioning and alignment of teeth is very much essential to maintain a good oral hygiene. Due to malocclusions, a condition of abnormal alignment, it becomes very difficult to clean your teeth and lead to formation of tartar deposits, which in turn lead to gums and periodontal issues and eventually tooth loss.

10.  Avoid smoking
Ill habits such as smoking and consumption of alcohol would not help your cause to safeguard your teeth. You can easily realize the need to abstain from smoking through a simple fact that the probability of tooth fall among non-smokers is half that of smokers. Should we say more?

We are confident that you would have by now known all the major reasons for tooth loss. For any further assistance or consultation pertaining to dental in Pune, you can always contact Oswal dental clinic.