Wednesday 14 September 2016

Dental implant’s success rate

The benefits offered by dental implants over other tooth loss treatment options are beyond match and hence there can’t be no second thoughts on the fact dental implants are being considered as the next best thing to a healthy and natural teeth. But being a surgical option, it is natural for patients to be apprehensive about its success rate. Relax! Dental implant surgery has a very high success rate of more than 95% and it can be definitely improved further with your support says a reputed orthodontist in Pune.
Why dental implants?
In the first place, why to opt for dental implants when other simple procedures are available? Well, it is true that your missing tooth can be replaced with dentures or bridges, the advantages offered by implants easily surpass that of its counterparts,
·         While dental implants can last for life time when properly cared, the other options such as dentures or bridges need replacement after ten years, even with utmost care.
·         No fear of tooth getting loosened or falling out while eating, talking, or laughing.
·         Easy to speak with dental implants.
·         Eat and bite everything naturally
·         Unlike bridges, this procedure does not demand grinding of adjusting teeth.
Factors deciding the success
Akin to any other surgical process, success of dental implants is mostly dependent on the following factors
·         Candidature selection on strict diagnosis process
·         Selection of proper treatment plan and implants
·         Meticulous following of post care instructions
·         Regular checkups at designated intervals
But with technology moving forward in a feverish pace, even many of the deterrent conditions that do not support dental implants can be improved upon and made successful. For instance, bones can be regenerated through grafting surgery and subsequently dental implants can be carried out.
Who is an eligible candidate?
Generally speaking, anyone who is healthy to undergo any dental surgical procedure can opt for dental implants. But success rate is impacted by the necessity of healthy gums and sufficient bone in jaw. Also, individuals with following conditions need stringent evaluation to ensure the candidacy for dental implant procedure and may also require a special treatment plan.
·         Radiation therapy in the neck and jaw area.
·         Heavy smoking habits
·         Existence of uncontrollable chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease
Role of dental professionals
Needless to say, the expertise of dental professionals in oral surgery and restorative dentistry plays a crucial role. Proper diagnosis, identification of proper treatment methodology, formulation of personalized treatment and post care plan and finally selection of implants have a definite say in achieving good success of the dental implant procedure. In short, the combined efforts and coordinated care of all dental specialists based on the implant option defines the success rate of this procedure.
Post care treatment
Every dental professional wishes his or her patient to have a pleasant and smooth recovery. Hence co-operation of the patient is always solicited in complying with all post care instructions to achieve success of this procedure. As every individual case is unique, it is always better to follow the instructions of your dentist, who has complete knowledge of your medical history and was also involved in the surgery. For a speedy and good recovery, your dentist would be offering detailed care instructions on the following arenas
·         Diet control
·         Pain management
o   Cold compress
o   Prescription of pain killers
o   Arresting of bleeding
·         Necessity and methodology of rest
·         Oral hygiene practices
o   Brushing
o   Mouth rinsing
·         General do’s and don’ts to help healing process
A best dentist in Pune cautions that all the good efforts that have gone in diagnosis and treatment procedure may go in vain if meticulous following of post care instructions are not carried out.
If you are looking out for the best clinic for dental implants in Pune or would like to know more about the procedure, feel free to schedule an appointment and we would be very much glad to be of assistance to you.