Monday 24 October 2016

Kids Toothbrush: what’s the best toothbrush for your kids?

                                             While taking care of the oral health of your kid, it is very much essential to select a suitable toothbrush that gives an all-round efficiency. But unfortunately, toothbrushes are not given much thought it deserves and the most attractive ones are usually picked up from the stores.  To make things worse, kids always opt for the toothbrushes that have a picture of their favorite superhero or cartoon character. It is very much vital to choose the right one for your kid, considering the fact that every toothbrush has their own set of pros and cons, says a leading pediatric dentist, Pune. So how to understand what goes into the selection of a best brush for your kid? Just glance below for few smart tips that can help you make a wise choice:
·         Stamp of approval: Make sure the brush you have selected for your kid has the seal of approval from Indian Dental Association (IDA). It would definitely give you the confidence that all parts and materials of the toothbrush are absolutely safe for use and complies with the following requirements:
§  No sharp ended bristles
§  Durability of handle materials
§  Bristles would remain intact on regular and normal use.

·         Bristles: Usually children toothbrushes are available with several types of bristles, but always make it a point to select only ultra soft or soft bristled brushes for your kid. Infact any other type of brush may damage tender gum lines, enamel surface and even the tooth roots, warns one of the most sought-after dentists in Pune.

·         Grip: It is very much crucial for your child’s small hands to hold the brush properly and hence the design of toothbrush grip plays an important role towards effective manipulation. And fortunately, nowadays most of the brushes come with excellent grips with vibrant colors as an added bonus to attract your child.

·         Head size and shape: Irrespective of the age of your kid, it is very much important to choose a toothbrush that fits comfortably in their mouths. Needless to say, brushes with rounded or blunt edged head can be very much safe inside your child’s mouth.

·         Age: Yes, brushes for your kids are now available according to their ages and it is not a fancy idea of a toothbrush manufacturer to attract your attention. Based on the average size of mouth and teeth growth, every manufacturer has standardized the size of head, grip shape and bristle quality.

·         Make a combined choice: The child psychology plays an important role in the selection of an apt toothbrush. After you have narrowed down your choices based on the quality of bristles, grips, and even the size, let your kid choose the one that entices. Allowing them to choose the toothbrush as per their choice would go a long way in increasing their curiosity and efforts in maintaining good oral health.

·         Consult your pediatric dentist: Finally, it is definitely not a bad idea to consult with your pediatric dentist for a good recommendation. Based on the oral health condition of the child, your dentist would definitely prescribe the most apt one.
Apart from choosing the right brush, it is also very vital to teach your kid the right methodology of brushing and to adapt good practices while using toothbrush.
·         No toothbrush should be used for more than three months or the bristles becoming frayed, whichever happens first.
·         Although it seems to be a good idea to keep the brush covered inside a holder or a cabinet, the trapped moisture always encourages the growth of microorganism on the surface. Avoid this practice as far as possible.
·         Toothbrush should also be replaced in case your child has fever due to flu or bacterial infection.

Well, imparting knowledge to your kids on the importance of brushing is very much essential to develop good oral habits. If you are child is having trouble in brushing, make it a point to visit us at our dental hospital, Pune. With copious expertise in offering pediatric dentistry, we can do wonders for child’s oral health.